Our Careers

We provide services with a human touch, we make a positive difference in people’s lives, hence our motto is Empowering healthcare, Empowering Lives. At Buffalo Trades Limited, we have earned a reputation for helping our clients, transform the way in which citizens access services. We are a trusted resource to help keep you and your family in the best of health, year-round.

Apply on Indeed

Apply for your role from Indeed, where we list all available vacancies.

Receive & Attend Interview

Our admin will contact you if you qualify, to arrange an interview at our branch in Peterborough.

Verify Documents & Paperwork

During the interview we will take a copy of all your Documents with Passports & Proof of Residence. 

Sign, Contract & Receive, Uniform

You are successful, Congratulations & Welcome to the Buffalo Trades Family.  


Other Services


Please use our online booking system or contact us directly to arrange a meeting. 


We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences with us. 


Book your PMVA, Moving & Handling or health care training with Buffalo Trades ltd today. 

Our Culture


Respect is a cornerstone value at our organisation, and we emphasize its importance in every individual we hire. Here’s a breakdown of why respect is crucial for everyone within our team:

Foundation of Positive Relationships

Respect forms the foundation of positive and collaborative relationships among team members, clients, and their families. When individuals treat each other with respect, it fosters a harmonious and supportive work environment.

Cultural and Diversity Considerations     

In the diverse landscape of healthcare, respect is essential for acknowledging and appreciating cultural, ethnic, and individual differences. A respectful attitude ensures that all team members recognise and celebrate diversity, contributing to a rich and inclusive workplace culture.


Punctuality is a fundamental aspect of the organisational culture at Buffalo Trades Ltd, and we underscore its significance for every individual we bring into our healthcare team. Here’s a comprehensive view of why punctuality is considered indispensable within our healthcare organisation:

Patient-Centric Focus at Buffalo Trades:

In alignment with Buffalo Trades’ commitment to patient-centric care, punctuality is emphasized to ensure that our healthcare professionals provide timely and efficient services. Patients entrust us with their well-being, and being punctual is a crucial component of delivering high-quality and patient-focused healthcare.

Team Collaboration and Buffalo Trades Values:

Buffalo Trades Ltd places a premium on teamwork and collaboration. Punctuality is vital for effective collaboration among our healthcare professionals, enabling seamless coordination and the delivery of comprehensive care. It aligns with our organisational values of unity and shared responsibility in serving our patients.

Emergency Preparedness in Buffalo Trades:

In the unpredictable healthcare environment, punctuality is a cornerstone of emergency preparedness at Buffalo Trades. Our healthcare professionals are expected to be punctual to respond promptly and efficiently to unforeseen situations, contributing to the safety and well-being of our patients.


Compassion is a core value at Buffalo Trades Ltd, and we consider it essential for every individual we welcome into our healthcare team. Here’s an exploration of why compassion holds paramount importance within our organization:

Patient-Centered Care at Buffalo Trades Ltd:

In alignment with Buffalo Trades’ commitment to patient-centred care, compassion forms the bedrock of our healthcare philosophy. Our professionals are expected to exhibit genuine concern and empathy, ensuring that our patients feel not only cared for but understood on a personal level.
Building Trust and Rapport:

Compassion is a powerful tool in building trust and rapport with our patients. At Buffalo Trades, we understand that a compassionate approach fosters a sense of security and comfort, creating an environment where patients feel valued and supported throughout their healthcare journey.
Enhanced Communication in Buffalo Trades:

Compassionate communication is crucial in healthcare. Our professionals at Buffalo Trades Ltd are encouraged to listen actively, respond empathetically, and convey information with sensitivity. Compassionate communication not only enhances the patient experience but also strengthens the therapeutic relationship.
Emotional Support and Buffalo Trades Values:

Compassion goes beyond the physical aspects of care; it extends to providing emotional support. Buffalo Trades values the emotional well-being of our patients, and our team members are expected to exhibit compassion in understanding and addressing the emotional needs of those entrusted to our care.


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